OCTOBER 2020 Mommy of the Month

October Mommy of the Month
Meet Zehra! This hardworking momma of two beautiful girls shared with us some of her day-to-day tips on raising daughters along with how she keeps a relaxing home environment.
Zehra's tips for keeping her space, home, and kids in a tranquil mood:
Whatever and however I feel translates into the mood of my kids and my home. If I’m losing my mind, my house is a mess and my kids will be throwing a fit. In order for everything to remain tranquil, I do practice yoga. That does not mean I’m doing downward dog or lotus pose all the time! I practice yoga by working on my breathing (long inhales and exhales), doing a guided meditation once in a while, trying to find happiness in the smaller things in life.
Zehra's tips for new moms:
Only you know your child best. In this day and age, we have access to so much information - which often leads to us comparing our children to one another. Every child is different, every growth curve is different - so don’t ever stress about them not being like others.
Zehra's favorite products from one child to the next:
Even though there’s only a 2 year age gap between my girls, I’m constantly learning new things! With Anya, we bought a lot of bamboo clothing items, I’m loving how long one size can last us! We also introduced a lovey (Slumberkins) early on, got a Snuggle Me and a Kyte Baby sleep bag which has helped her go to sleep independently.
Zehra on raising daughters:
I love seeing the bond between them. I don’t have a sister, neither does my husband - so this is all so new and exciting for us to watch unfold! Also - the matching outfits and bows are just too cute!
Zehra on shopping for her girls:
Quality is so important- even if the outfit is cute, I mostly care about the quality. I like dressing my girls in outfits that are unique (#shopsmall), and more importantly, outfits they can comfortably play in.
We thank you Zehra, and all of our Mommies & Aunties out there who continue to support our small business!