April Mommy of the Month

April Mommy of the Month
Allie is a true lover of nature and living at the beach allows her and her kiddos to fully enjoy an active outdoor lifestyle! We love when moms take full advantage of their surrounding community and really ENJOY it with their kids! Allie says her typical day includes "starting the morning with coffee on the dock over the bay, walking up to the beach to play in the ocean during the day and ending the evening with a boardwalk walk."If that isn't the Ocean City dream...I don't know what is<3

Allie's Tips to New Local Moms:

My tips for new local moms would be to get outside! It can sometimes feel like a hassle to get everything ready to leave the house ( changing clothes, changing diapers, packing snacks and water and extra clothes, applying sun screen and the list goes on and on...) but it is totally worth the effort! Mommy-and-Me yoga at Yoga Ginger was a great way to bond and exercise with my kids in the winter, and story time at the library is also great! I joined Shore Mother's Club a few years ago and have met some great ladies and have had so much fun with the activities they plan.

Allie's Advice to Expecting Mothers:

My advice to expecting mothers would be to go with your instincts - don't feel like you should or shouldn't do something because you've been told about it/ read about it/ or are afraid to hurt someone's feelings! You will know what's best for you and your baby when you meet him or her. Its incredible what our bodies can do and how our instincts kick in! Having a friend to confide in or ask all those hundreds of weird questions to is such a bonus - I was lucky enough to have at least one great friend go through each pregnancy and postpartum period at the same time I was and being able to text them all day and night was amazing.

Key Items for New Moms:

These last 7 weeks with Senna (baby #3) have taught me that new moms should stock up on coffee (!!!), burp cloths and shows to binge watch! But seriously, snacks that are high in calories to have on hand are a must (I probably ate my weight in homemade peanut butter granola bars) drinking lots of water and Lansinoh Gel Soothies were what got me through those first few weeks home. And lots and lots of help from our family and friends! I was recently given a sleep sack that wraps around the waist and is a little weighted, and that has helped Senna sleep longer at night! Gerber Colic Drops and Gripe Water have been life savers!

Allie's Life as an OC Mom:

Life as an Ocean City mom is the best - We can start the morning with coffee on the dock over the bay, walk up to the beach to play in the ocean during the day and end the evening with a boardwalk walk. There are so many activities outside all summer downtown- my kids love getting their faces painted and riding the ponies during family days and walking through the farmers market, and we always look forward to the fireworks shows and parades and festivals all year! I didn't grow up here, so I think I appreciate everything a little more than if I would have grown up with all these available to me.


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