Children’s Books that Instill Social Awareness

We know that children are like adorable, little sponges- they soak up anything and everything that they observe! It’s never too soon to start educating children on social issues which can help to instill ensure they grow up to be more tolerant and understanding of the world around them! Books are a wonderful way to introduce the ideas of diversity and social awareness to your children.
Whether you want to teach your kids about history, racial and gender equality, or about cultures that vary from their own, we have a book for them! Here are our top picks for books that will help you get the conversation going:
As soon as your kids are old enough to flip through a board book, they can understand that girls are equal to boys. This book underscores that important idea with clear, simple illustrations and clever rhyming text. From encouraging girls to support other girls to explaining that beauty is on the inside, this book is full of big lessons for little kids.
Greta Thunberg is an eighteen year old Swedish activist that is taking the world by storm, leading by example for a better future, where we take care of our environment. The Nobel Peace Prize Candidate is a perfect example for children that no one is too young to change the world.
3. We Disagree
This story that follows the friendship between a mouse and squirrel that just can’t seem to agree on anything, is an easy and harmless way to teach your kids that it's okay to disagree with others while following lovable characters.
4. Girl CEO
With stories from over forty successful business women and entrepreneurs, this book is a fun and encouraging way to inspire your children that their sky’s the limit! Girl CEO allows your children to learn from successful women in a fun and captivating way.
5. Rebel Girls
With stories from over 100 women, Rebel Girls teaches your kids about the history of the powerful and successful in the form of fairy tales, to captivate your kids as they learn about the inspiring achievements of women throughout history.
6. People of Pride: Ellen DeGeneres
This beautifully illustrated board book teaches kids about the LGBTQ community and celebrates it as well. This board book highlights the life of Ellen DeGeneres and her message of spreading kindness.