Simple ways to keep your kids entertained while you work from home

We are approaching the end of our second month of social distancing. Most of our uniforms have slowly morphed into sweatpants, and our routines have changed a bit, but we’re starting to get the hang of it! While many of us have been able to adapt to the changes in our daily lives relatively well, there are still some obstacles, one being how in the world do you keep your kids occupied while you work?!
With a new-found appreciation for teachers and day care workers, it’s definitely becoming apparent how much work goes into keeping young kids entertained, especially when you are trying to balance working from home. Here are a few tips on how to keep your kids occupied while you’re busy with work.
Outdoor Fun!
Spring is in full swing and the weather is perfect for some fun outdoors. If your kids are old enough to play on their own outside, it’s a great way for them to blow off some steam and tire themselves out. There is a lot to do outside and it’s really easy for kids to create their own fun. Providing your children with some chalk, a bike or a basketball can buy you’re an hour or two, easily!
Indoor Brain Teasers!
For some fun inside and if your kids are into challenging their minds, a great activity is a puzzle! Puzzles are a lot of fun and they take a long time a lot of concentration, which can keep the house quiet. Books are also a great quiet time activity, if your children know how to read.
Arts and Crafts!
What kid doesn’t love arts and crafts?! Whether you provide a table full of pipe cleaners, finger paint or construction paper, there’s no doubt that your children will create some master pieces!